Membership Application

Version 0.8 draft


Welcome to the KERI Foundation! By joining the KERI Foundation, you are
becoming part of an innovative ecosystem focused on establishing and
maintaining trusted digital identities and infrastructure. This
Membership Agreement outlines the terms and conditions of your
participation in the KERI Foundation.


KERI: Key Event Receipt Infrastructure, a protocol for creating and
managing decentralized identifier systems.

Member: Any individual or entity that has agreed to the terms of
this Membership Agreement.

Board of Directors: The group responsible for overseeing the
operations of the KERI Foundation.

Membership Classes

The KERI Foundation offers several membership classes to accommodate
varying levels of participation:

General Member: This membership is open to any individual or
organization interested in or contributing to the work of the KERI

Supporting Member: This is an organization providing significant
resources to the foundation.

Sponsoring Member: Key donors getting substantial recognition in
tiers and a matching memorandum of understanding (MOU).

Stakeholders can monitor the foundation’s operation because we’ll
transparently offer reports. We’ll start with a few portfolios that
require funds. As soon as donors fund the portfolios fully, we’ll
temporarily halt the funding options, for we want to deliver to the MOU.
Although it won’t have the status of a contractual obligation, the
foundation will be run as a business and understands quite well that
it’s always about safeguarding the next donation, delivering to the
expectations, and managing those expectations well enough.

Membership Fees

Members may be required to pay annual membership fees. The Board of
Directors determine the fee structure, which may vary depending on
membership class.

August 2024: There will be no membership fees as long as the KERI
foundation has yet to be formalized.

Member Rights and Responsibilities

General Member Rights

  • Access to KERI resources, documentation, and community forums.
  • Eligibility to participate in working groups and committees.
  • Voting rights on specific community matters as determined by the Board of Directors.

Supporting Member Rights

  • Enhanced access to KERI resources and advanced documentation.
  • Priority participation in working groups and committees.
  • Additional voting rights and influence on community decisions.

Sponsoring Member Rights

  • Advisory on and access to the strategic direction of KERI and the KERI Foundation.
  • Access to all meetings, documents, and strategic discussions.

Member Responsibilities

  • Adherence to the KERI Foundation’s Code of Conduct and participation guidelines.
  • Timely payment of membership fees.
  • Contribution to the growth and development of the KERI ecosystem.


The KERI Foundation’s Board of Directors is responsible for its overall
direction and management. Members can be elected from all membership
classes. KERI inventor Dr. Samuel Smith has a lifetime seat on the

Intellectual Property

All contributions to KERI must comply with the Intellectual Property
Policy, which ensures that the community retains the right to use,
modify, and distribute all submitted works. Members must agree to
license their contributions under the terms specified in the policy.


Members may have access to confidential information. All members agree
to maintain such information’s confidentiality and use it only for
KERI-related purposes.


Membership can be terminated voluntarily by the member or by the Board
of Directors for non-compliance with this Agreement or the Code of
Conduct. Upon termination, the member loses all rights and privileges
associated with the KERI Foundation membership.

Dispute Resolution

Any disputes arising from this Agreement will be resolved through
mediation and arbitration as determined by the Board of Directors.


A majority vote of the Board of Directors may amend this Membership
Agreement. Members will be notified of any changes and allowed to review
and accept the new terms.


  • Governing Law: This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the jurisdiction in which the KERI Foundation is incorporated.
  • Severability: If any provision of this Agreement is found to be unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect.

By signing below, you agree to the terms and conditions of this
Membership Agreement and commit to contributing positively to the KERI

This Agreement ensures clarity and sets expectations for all members,
promoting a collaborative and productive environment within the KERI

Currently you can only sign the general membership, which implies that you support the foundation with no financial obligations.

Your application will not be effected until we contact you. Please enter your e-mail address carefully.

Apply for general membership

(Version 0.8 draft)

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